Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lace Vignettes

Lace Vignettes VS Build Zone.  I'm trying to find time for both.  It's a bit of a quandary in the morning as to what I'd like to be doing or what I should be doing, so I work on both.  A little lace, a little jewelry.  Oh but it is fun.


Build Zone On-Line

Here is a sample of some of what I have been doing in Deryn Mentock's online mixed media jewelry workshop called Build Zone.  I have been playing 'catch up' in the studio since we returned home from CA the first week of April.  It's a good thing I've done wire work and jewelry making before because there is a lot of material that is familiar to me but Deryn has great design concepts and I like the mixed media element of her jewelry.  AND I'm using a blow torch.  There is no doubt, I'm learning lots.